Thursday, October 29, 2009

PayPal Gets an Early Jump on Holiday Deals

While the holidays aren't quite upon us, retailers and e-tailers would love for you to start planning your holiday shopping. If you're in that kind of mood, PayPal would like to alert you to its holiday deals Web site, where the online payment merchant has begun collecting incentives with some of its premium partners.

According to Giles Cassels, a seasonal shopping expert at PayPal, the company will be hosting weekly updates to the site, with even sweeter deals set for Black Friday. PayPal launched a similar program last year, but Cassels said that PayPal has expanded the program to more point-of-sale discounts, as well as free shipping offers.

PayPal has already added numerous deals, including a $20 discount on all Best Buy purchases.

November 27, or "Black Friday," is typically considered to be the most popular shopping day of the year in terms of purchases made at brick-and-mortar stores. The following Monday, however, has been known as "Cyber Monday" because analysts expected online purchases to peak then. According to PayPal, that's not true; last year, the second Monday in December, now characterized as "Green Monday," represented the highest point of online sales. If history holds, that will be December 14.

According to Cassels, most of the deals before "Green Monday" will focus on physical goods and gifts. On or around December 14, however, PayPal will shift to deals that involve electronic transactions (online purchases of MP3s, for example) where shipping is instantaneous.

A PayPal spokesperson said that the site was unable to offer any predictions of how holiday sales would fare this year. Cassels said that the mood was one of "cautious optimism," a phrase I've heard on numerous occasions already.

And now, the deals:

Best Buy will offer $20 cash-back on purchases of $100 or more when you pay with PayPal between November 10 and November 16.

Southwest Airlines, Omaha Steaks and Smart Bargains will offer up to 20 percent savings on all PayPal purchases.

Free shipping: will offer free Site to Store shipping. will offer PayPal customers free shipping from November 3 through November 9. will offer free shipping both ways on shoes and free overnight shipping on clothing from November 10 through November 16.

PayPal said it is also working with, a microfinance Web site. Shoppers who purchase a gift certificate on will get a free $20 gift certificate to give to someone else on their list.

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